Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I am Eating Pretty


A mentor asked me this week,
"If you could model your career after anyone in your industry, who would it be?"
This stumped me, as I look up to so many motivational speakers, but in my own industry Jillian Michaels has achieved so many of the things I dream of. However, we are polar opposites. I shower with hugs, smiles and gold stars and she takes the tough love approach. For me though, tough love would never work. So, it's not something I would incorporate in Eating Pretty and my programs for the everyday woman.
My mentor then pushed me to think about what defines me. I know myself pretty well, so this was not a hard task for me. After we compiled a list, an idea was born -
the 'I am Eating Pretty' campaign as you are about to read below.
Originally, we were going to make a promo video, but I think I would giggle the whole time or seem like a bad actress if I had to recite this. So for now I would love your thoughts on it as a blog. I think eventually I will make it into a video, but include "I am" lines from many of my clients and team who are also the everyday woman and live the Eating Pretty lifestyle.

This is perhaps my most real and revealing blog to date. I have some crazy nerves to hit that PUBLISH POST button... but here we go! Enjoy :)


I think I have the best job in the world. It gets me so excited that I can't wait to get up and work every single day.

I'm in love with my friends and I think that one of the best parts of my job is meeting new girlfriends daily.

I have an amazing family. I'm so thankful for them.

I do everything I do with passion, and I love other passionate people.

I am single. When you're younger, I feel as though you like any boy who likes you back. Now that I am older and picky, I wonder if I will ever like anyone back. I have these crazy walls up that I'm not sure anyone could ever tear down. 
I hope so. 

I would never settle for someone that didn't give me butterflies. I think that might be the best feeling in the world.

I've liked so many boys who haven't liked me in return. Now that I'm older, I think about what my life would have been like if they did.... Then, I thank god they didn't like me. (what was I thinking?!)

I love deeply ...and share it with everyone I come in contact with. But, I am not sure if I've ever been in real, unconditional, healthy, love before. I've thought I was. Hindsight is 20/20.

I'm an obsessive goal setter and even more obsessed with encouraging my friends and clients to do the same thing. If I dream it up, I attach a plan of action. period.

I think a bored mind is a crazy mind. The times I was least happy with myself or in my relationships, it was because I was not setting goals and living my life to its potential.

I think my biggest dream is to be a positive role model for young women. I, like so many girls my age, was over taken by the Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan generation in my late teens, early twenties. I now know there are so many sexier things in life than binge drinking, drugs and designers.

I love to throw on stilettos and go for some vino and a delicious dinner with friends. If the night ends on a dance floor, even better!

I am 28 years old, and I still keep a diary. Writing for both personal reasons and communicating to the public is one of my favourite and most fulfilling passions.

I love magic, puppies and theme parties. I am always laughing, singing or dancing. Always.

I love witty people. I am my funniest when I am comfortable and I never shut up when my best friends are around. If I really like a boy or am trying to impress someone important - I get shy and awkward, or personality paralization as my friends call it. It's the worst. 

I have a weakness for pizza and anything chocolate. But, to me at the end of a week of eating perfectly pretty - I just feel at my best!

I love a home cooked pretty meal. I love it so much more when I can cook for someone. There is a certain joy I can't explain in preparing and sharing a healthy meal.

I have come to realise that working out is not my favorite thing, but it does produce my favorite body shape and my sharpest mind. So sticking to my weekly pretty workout plan is worth it! 

I have been a variety of different sizes and learned the hard way that I am prone to extremes  - and that they dont work.

I work hard to find balance for my body.

I am currently doing the Eating Pretty 'feel great in 8' challenge to get  fit, tight and feel at my best for summer, and all the exciting things coming up in my life.

My name is Angela McNally,

I am the everyday woman,

and I Eat Pretty!


  1. well my dear, you have it all in my books. you know the secrets to success and inspire me everday without even knowing it.
    It is because of you I except myself and the size i am today. I know that it doesn't define my future weight but rather my actions today will. With your healthy attitude toward life,health, people and love you will change the way all women view themselves and others. You are a diamond in the rough and you shine brighter everyday. thanks for being you and inspiring me to be my best self.

    The last blog response you told me 'i will be a millionaire by the time I'm 30' I thought about this for a long time because I have the same goal, so when you told me others think it's silly, i thought the complete opposite...it sounded THE TRUTH and i believe you. I believe in you so much that it pushed me to truck through what i thought was a tough month and focus on the end result. i had been down with myself for not meeting my weight goals because i was focusing on everything else: launching a business and being a fulltime mother/wife. I realized in that moment, I was focusing on other issues instead of focusing on myself and came to the solution that my focus needs to be myself first, everything else second because if i dont have my health when i'm a millionaire i will be devastated, i will know that i didn't finish one of my goals. i think i feel the worst when i dont finish something and for whatever reason i dont stick to this goal. i have an action plan and support but it is always put off to the side when something else comes up. this is somehting i truely need to work on and figure out why i feel like everything else is more important than my health?
    my new goal for this month is to be discipline. to learn the importance of eating healthy not just doing it. i need to further educate myself and do some work on my feelings and food. i need to learn why i let emotions take over my food choices. i need to get to the core of this problem or i will always have it. if you have any suggested readings please send them my way. xoxo

    your blogs are great. i always look forward to your next.


  2. You made me smile with that blog posting! Yes you are Angela McNally and you are one amazing women!! xo

  3. Britt! I love you and you are one amazing woman :)
    I can always count on you to support my newest project!
    You make me smile more, thanks for being such a great friend

  4. Brilliant, honest, revealing, full of your passion; so you! Keep doing what you are doing.

  5. "I love magic, puppies and theme parties. I am always laughing, singing or dancing. Always."

    What a perfect description my love! You forgot to mention that you eat sparkles and poop sunshine.

    Love you and your bloggie!


  6. Auntie Liz!
    Thank you so much :)
    I'm glad you liked my blog.
    I miss you xoxo
    love you

  7. Ariel my belle!
    I honestly giggled the whole time I wrote this and pictured you laughing at me ;)
    it's weird how much I love when you make fun of me. hahahaha.

    You are the best friend ever because you let me poop sunshine, you cook me those sparkles and are my partner in crime to dance, sing ....but mostly laugh with!
    I love you, and I'm so lucky to have you!!

  8. Ang, Quite the glorious blog. I realized while reading this that your the female version of me, except your healthier, quite a bit funnier and you accomplish twice as much as I do in a day. (A Grace posted on here at 6:17AM, I don't wake up to 98.1 EZ rock until 9:55 and I'm never wearing pants before 11)
    Anyways, what I'm trying to say is you are a fantastic gal, very witty and it's hard not to smile being around you. I have however seen you get 'personality paralization' but I can't blame you because it was the first time you met Robbo.

    Here's a quote that I believe was written by the famous lover Rob Tryst "love is like wildflowers, its often found in the most unlikely of places"

    I think Rob was referring to the d-floor at Tryst when he wrote that so look for me there, hair perfectly gelled, wearing tight Euro fit jeans.

    Good work,
    Paul P

  9. ohhhh old Slapper...
    now that I have had a moment to wipe away my laughing tears, where oh where do I even start?

    Firstly, when I wrote this blog and got to the the witty people part - you were my first friend to enter my head. Grams and Gramps text conversations might be the highlight to my days. Sometimes when there are no puppies doing magic tricks around, I re-read them to get a good giggle ;)

    In all seriousness though, you are the sweetest even for commenting on my blog to begin with, and that message just made my day.
    You are the best and I am so lucky to have met you. I would have to agree that the more I get to know you, the more I think we are the same but boy and girl versions in so many ways. Except you look better in flannels and 3D shades. and you have two fire places. how can I compete?

    Lucky for you the one and only Rob Tryst is not only a famous romantic poet, he is also the controller of all guest list. I will name drop Paul P... the middle of the dance floor will be sectioned off for you and your eurofits. Please don't forget to come grab me when Seal comes on for a couple of slow spins. Also, please don't bring Robbo, I need to be myself when I'm working.

    hahahaha. I am still laughing. I can't stop reading your message.
    I love you tons! Thank you!

    xox A.

  10. Keep up the great posts Angela!!!

  11. Thanks Jenny!
    I love your blog too! I am the newest daily cox family dose addict ;)
    TOO CUTE!!!
    You keep it up as well! xoxo

  12. This little note is for Carol!
    I just found your beautiful comment in spam :(
    I fixed that... and now your post is up so I must reply!

    Wow, what a message. you are the sweetest and you give me warm and fuzzies each and every time you write me something so beautiful!
    Thank you so much for not only your kind words, but believing in me. Having the support of people like you my dear friend is what keeps me going.

    Carol, we need to get together! I can relate to EVERYTHING you just wrote. I have been there, some days I am there. I think learning balance is an everlasting master skill that comes with practice and hard work. I'm not there yet either.
    I do however work very hard every day to find the same balance and have so many little exercises and goal setting activities I can't wait to pass along to you!

    But I want you to think about this:
    I believe you are your best self that you have ever been to date, right now, considering all areas. Am I right?
    How about a little gratitude to yourself then? Not thankful for what you have, but thankful for being you and all the amazing things that come along with being Carol Craig. You are an amazing woman. I know and you know that you are capable of amazing things. Balance will come when you appreciate ever aspect of you and who you are.

    anyway, more to come when we meet!
    For now, thank you times a million for your sweet post and encouraging words. makes me want to keep on blogging!!!

    xoxo lots of love, A.
