I am a self admitted passion junkie. For me, there is really no feeling like embarking on a new project or relationship that I am excited about.
By definition, passion is a strong intense feeling for a person, place, thing or action. In truth, that feeling inside is the way I have always based my major decisions. Being a good idea or a lesson waiting to happen, emotion always plays a huge part in my life choices.
For me there is no other way to live. Every time I try and 'play it safe' or be conservative in my decisions I end up getting bored, throwing it out the window and following my heart. The older I get and the more lessons learned - the more I trust my gut to lead me down the right path.
Following your heart doesn't need to start out as drastic as a 'professional-passion-follower' though. I get asked for advice daily from friends and clients on making life changes to feel that zing of energy and excitement that we all truly long for. My advice is not extreme, its to start small and do something that you love every single day. To feel that life force we all desire, all it takes is a little effort towards doing something that you love.
Eating Pretty began by countless hours in a coffee shop writing my thoughts, opinions and education on nutrition. Originally I wrote the program as a book. I love to write, and I love to teach women how to change their lives for the positive. Everyday I would write a new article or chapter on something I was feeling excited about. 2 years later I write you this Blog from the head office of the largest growing women's nutrition company in Canada, Eating Pretty Nutrition.
One of my best friends Claire Hall loves to paint. She would spend her evenings after work making paintings for no other reason than that she truly loved creating art. One day she put a few 'mobile uploads' of her paintings on facebook and not only did all of her paintings sell, she still has a wait list to this day. She has since quit her job and now owns an art gallery downtown Toronto.
Another one of my closest friends Lauren Pirie is a multi-talented, passion following superstar. She has always been someone I look up to on living a life filled with doing multiple things that you love. A lunch date over a few short hours with her will reveal that she has recently shot for teen vogue, is writing a children's book, was the DJ at a huge charity event, had dinner with David Suzuki and is building a rooftop organic garden to feed underprivileged children. All true statements.... and all by me pestering it out of her, because not only is she awesome - she's modest.
Everyone needs to make money. Not everyone loves their jobs. In fact, most people don't. But instead of taking it out on your boyfriend by coming home in a bad mood everyday, eating an entire pizza to yourself or complaining to anyone who will listen... why not take that energy and use it for the good?
Book a guitar lesson, join a soccer team, start a blog on fashion, volunteer for a charity, cook up a gourmet meal... whatever it is that lights that fire in you, DO IT TODAY!
I promise you that the small things will always lead to something bigger. Develop your talents, deepen your interest and watch as opportunity comes knocking at your door.
Positive actions always attract more positive. So, start small with your life changes and enjoy the high you get my fellow passion junkies - it really is like nothing else in this world :)
Love to hear what you did to follow your heart! Comment on this Blog or my fan page at:
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Thank you for the birthday love and a year in review - My Top 10 of 2010!
Although many of you began your New Year's resolutions last Monday, for me the New Year began today. That is because I celebrated my birthday this past weekend. I felt stuck between a rock and a hard place this year as my body was definitely telling me it needed a break from the holiday season, but last year I was dieting for my competitions over Christmas, New Years and my birthday so I couldn't pass up the opportunity for some celebrating with loved ones. It was wonderful and I am so thankful for everyone who made my birthday special.
I also came to realize that having a birthday so close to the New Year is also such a blessing. I get to start out my new fresh year after receiving so many loving messages from my family, friends, clients and fans. There is nothing that makes your birthday more special then people who love you making the effort to make your day great. Thank you so much for all the sweet birthday love. I was overwhelmed, humbled and know how very blessed I am.
This year I turned 28. It is the first year that I have actually felt 'older' on a birthday. Not necessarily a bad feeling, because I love getting older and think that life gets better with age. I will say I feel more pressure than ever to achieve big things and reach all of my goals set out for 2011. Being 27 in 2010 was the best year of my life to date. I accomplished more than I ever thought possible and learned and grew so much in the process.
While I spend this week setting out new goals for 2011, I would love to revisit and be thankful for my blessings and share with you my Top 10 of 2010:
1) The Birth of Eating Pretty Nutrition
I have never experienced something so rewarding by simply following my heart and passions in my entire life. Thank you to everyone who helped a young entrepreneur and nutritionist on her journey and thank you for letting me a part of yours. I love my job, my clients and I can't wait to make big changes for the good as I grow my company in 2011.
2) Learning to let go of Toxic Relationships
This was a huge one for me in learning to control my own happiness. Being a child of an alcoholic, I am bred to please and try and create someone else's happiness. You can't change anyone, you can only change yourself. Learning to take myself first and let go of negative 'energy vampires' as my good friend Maks calls them, is the best thing I have ever learned to do for myself. Even if you are a happy, positive person, they will suck the life right out of you. Lovingly let the negative people go and start surrounding yourself with other like minded, intelligent and smiling friends and watch as everything in your life changes for the positive, too.
3) New Friendships
My best friends have been the same for 15-20 years. They are my family, my rocks, my life. This year though, in learning to distance myself from some of the negative relationships I was investing too much time in, it has opened up a whole new world of positive, amazing new friends. My week night movie dates, friends to turn to for advice and daily bbm conversations are a whole new crew. I feel so blessed and I realized it more than ever this birthday weekend. If I had the pleasure of earning your friendship in 2010, you made my life better and I love you.
4) Competing in National Level Fitness Shows
In 2010 I had the honor of competing in both the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio and the Fitness Universe in Miami, Florida. From the stage, to the networking, to the photo shoots and many opportunities that were born from these experiences, I will be forever grateful.
5) The Birth of Rock the Runway for Charity
Many of you do not know this, but Rock the Runway was actually born out my decision to no longer compete. I still would never trade in my experiences from the stage, but what I do to be 'show ready' and the post show rebounds are just not in line with what I teach and preach so they have to go. I am making a commitment to myself to live life balanced and healthy and that's why I created Rock the Runway- a judgement free, healthy way for women to train and eat pretty to achieve their best body all in the name of charity! The inaugural event was this past November and we raised thousands of dollars for Prostate Health Canada. I couldn't be more proud of my Pretty Eaters and can't wait for the Spring 2011 Rock the Runway with veterans and newbies alike!
6) The Moustashio Bashio
The Moustashio Bashio was the party that the first Rock the Runway show was held at, thrown by myself and my amazing event partner and dear friend Ariel Grace. We had 1000's in attendance with many mo' faces in the honor of Movember - where November meets Moustaches to change the face of Men's health for prostate health Canada! Throwing an event for such a great cause is something I will do bi-yearly at the minimum because it is such a great way to raise money, create awareness and draw positive attention to a great cause! Not to mention a total blast, who doesn't love a good party ;)
7) Contributing as a Health and Wellness Expert on Dragon's Den
This was really cool! I have actually yet to see a clip of this, but filming and being on set was a career move and feeling like no other. It made me realize in this short time, that I definitely want to take at least part of my career in the direction of using my health, wellness and motivating techniques on television. I have some exciting things lined up for 2011... so stay tuned!
8) Goal Club
Goal club was actually born in 2009, and took many different turns this year. However, being such a huge part of this and the research and creating of activities to do and inspire with my like minded, positive group members has been such a huge accomplishment for me. I really want to incorporate this more into my career and everyday interactions with clients in the coming year. Keep checking back for details on my first ever Living Pretty Women's day where goals, a healthy mind and a healthy body are the main attractions!
9) Healthy Girls
I had the honor of being a part of developing a guidance program for young girls from 8-14 on the importance of proper nutrition and self confidence. The program will be implemented throughout the GTA to young women in need of guidance, love and health. I can't wait to continue to work on this project and more like it in 2011.
10) The Eating Pretty Nutrition Offices
After many, many, many hours in local coffee shops, I have finally graduated to an office in downtown Toronto and I couldn't be more excited! I can't wait to create fit bodies, healthy minds and so many smiles in that space and see where this career of mine can grow to. We found out on December 31, 2010! What a way to end a spectacular year! :)
2010 was such an amazing year, I am so thankful and can't wait to create another amazing Top 10 in 2011!
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of it. I love you all so very much.
Yours in Health and Happiness,
I also came to realize that having a birthday so close to the New Year is also such a blessing. I get to start out my new fresh year after receiving so many loving messages from my family, friends, clients and fans. There is nothing that makes your birthday more special then people who love you making the effort to make your day great. Thank you so much for all the sweet birthday love. I was overwhelmed, humbled and know how very blessed I am.
This year I turned 28. It is the first year that I have actually felt 'older' on a birthday. Not necessarily a bad feeling, because I love getting older and think that life gets better with age. I will say I feel more pressure than ever to achieve big things and reach all of my goals set out for 2011. Being 27 in 2010 was the best year of my life to date. I accomplished more than I ever thought possible and learned and grew so much in the process.
While I spend this week setting out new goals for 2011, I would love to revisit and be thankful for my blessings and share with you my Top 10 of 2010:
1) The Birth of Eating Pretty Nutrition
I have never experienced something so rewarding by simply following my heart and passions in my entire life. Thank you to everyone who helped a young entrepreneur and nutritionist on her journey and thank you for letting me a part of yours. I love my job, my clients and I can't wait to make big changes for the good as I grow my company in 2011.
2) Learning to let go of Toxic Relationships
This was a huge one for me in learning to control my own happiness. Being a child of an alcoholic, I am bred to please and try and create someone else's happiness. You can't change anyone, you can only change yourself. Learning to take myself first and let go of negative 'energy vampires' as my good friend Maks calls them, is the best thing I have ever learned to do for myself. Even if you are a happy, positive person, they will suck the life right out of you. Lovingly let the negative people go and start surrounding yourself with other like minded, intelligent and smiling friends and watch as everything in your life changes for the positive, too.
3) New Friendships
My best friends have been the same for 15-20 years. They are my family, my rocks, my life. This year though, in learning to distance myself from some of the negative relationships I was investing too much time in, it has opened up a whole new world of positive, amazing new friends. My week night movie dates, friends to turn to for advice and daily bbm conversations are a whole new crew. I feel so blessed and I realized it more than ever this birthday weekend. If I had the pleasure of earning your friendship in 2010, you made my life better and I love you.
4) Competing in National Level Fitness Shows
In 2010 I had the honor of competing in both the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio and the Fitness Universe in Miami, Florida. From the stage, to the networking, to the photo shoots and many opportunities that were born from these experiences, I will be forever grateful.
5) The Birth of Rock the Runway for Charity
Many of you do not know this, but Rock the Runway was actually born out my decision to no longer compete. I still would never trade in my experiences from the stage, but what I do to be 'show ready' and the post show rebounds are just not in line with what I teach and preach so they have to go. I am making a commitment to myself to live life balanced and healthy and that's why I created Rock the Runway- a judgement free, healthy way for women to train and eat pretty to achieve their best body all in the name of charity! The inaugural event was this past November and we raised thousands of dollars for Prostate Health Canada. I couldn't be more proud of my Pretty Eaters and can't wait for the Spring 2011 Rock the Runway with veterans and newbies alike!
6) The Moustashio Bashio
The Moustashio Bashio was the party that the first Rock the Runway show was held at, thrown by myself and my amazing event partner and dear friend Ariel Grace. We had 1000's in attendance with many mo' faces in the honor of Movember - where November meets Moustaches to change the face of Men's health for prostate health Canada! Throwing an event for such a great cause is something I will do bi-yearly at the minimum because it is such a great way to raise money, create awareness and draw positive attention to a great cause! Not to mention a total blast, who doesn't love a good party ;)
7) Contributing as a Health and Wellness Expert on Dragon's Den
This was really cool! I have actually yet to see a clip of this, but filming and being on set was a career move and feeling like no other. It made me realize in this short time, that I definitely want to take at least part of my career in the direction of using my health, wellness and motivating techniques on television. I have some exciting things lined up for 2011... so stay tuned!
8) Goal Club
Goal club was actually born in 2009, and took many different turns this year. However, being such a huge part of this and the research and creating of activities to do and inspire with my like minded, positive group members has been such a huge accomplishment for me. I really want to incorporate this more into my career and everyday interactions with clients in the coming year. Keep checking back for details on my first ever Living Pretty Women's day where goals, a healthy mind and a healthy body are the main attractions!
9) Healthy Girls
I had the honor of being a part of developing a guidance program for young girls from 8-14 on the importance of proper nutrition and self confidence. The program will be implemented throughout the GTA to young women in need of guidance, love and health. I can't wait to continue to work on this project and more like it in 2011.
10) The Eating Pretty Nutrition Offices
After many, many, many hours in local coffee shops, I have finally graduated to an office in downtown Toronto and I couldn't be more excited! I can't wait to create fit bodies, healthy minds and so many smiles in that space and see where this career of mine can grow to. We found out on December 31, 2010! What a way to end a spectacular year! :)
2010 was such an amazing year, I am so thankful and can't wait to create another amazing Top 10 in 2011!
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of it. I love you all so very much.
Yours in Health and Happiness,
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